As we age, the skin around our eyes begins to sag leading to a tired appearance. Changes include drooping of the excess skin, bulging of the fat pockets, and atrophy of the tissues around the eyes.
These changes aesthetically alter the way we look by giving us a sad, tired, and aged appearance. If the changes are severe, they can also affect one’s vision by either blocking one’s peripheral vision or by causing difficulty wearing glasses (sagging lower eyelids). Surgery to correct the sagging and fullness of upper and lower eyelids is called Blepharoplasty.
Blepharoplasty is performed as an outpatient. The procedure is done using a local anesthetic. The eyelids are tightened, excess skin is removed, and if present, excess fat may also be removed or redistributed. Typically, bruising and swelling is experienced for the first one to three weeks, although the healing time varies for each person.